Monday, April 7, 2014

First Steps

I have many rules for my children, but one of my most frequently used ones is: 
Do it right or don't do it at all.
That being said, I frequently find myself not knowing what the right path actually is.  Okay - let me rewind...  I'm a writer - or hope to be.  Unlike many people currently struggling to be the next Rice, Meyers or Rowling, I'm not looking for the fame.  I know it sounds crazy.  Sure my name fits nicely between them on a bookstore shelf and I might faint if someone wanted to turn one of my books into a movie deal.  Would those be amazing?  Absolutely!  But above all the hype and allure - I love each and every one of my characters deeply.  I dream about them and what might happen next in their lives because I truly want to know.  The ultimate proof that I can drop "aspiring" from my title is basic.  It isn't when I've sold a certain number of copies or gotten a nice fat royalty check.  The real test of success will be the day someone reads my manuscript and falls in love with them too.

Now back to the reason I'm here.  I've written several (11) completed manuscripts, have several new projects (8) I'm working on, worked with an editor on revisions (24) for one manuscript and am ready to put serious effort into finding a publisher.  All that and I now face my biggest challenge yet: concisely writing a profound query letter of less than 250 words that sums up all the sleepless nights and pain-staking edits in a format that won't end up in the circular file bin.  No pressure right?

In light of all that, I decided to take my own advice: Do it right.  Several sources told me I needed to self-promote.  My response has always been denial.  I don't want to self-publish.  I've read article after article about the pros and cons.  I've listened to debates over how the age of electronic media is killing traditional publishing.  One day I may cave and give it a try because curiosity is a bad trait of mine.  But when push comes to shove, I still want to be that needle in the haystack.  However, I am willing to concede that when I finally make my dream a reality, I know there will be another me out there lovingly nurturing their prized literary possession.  What would I give for someone to guide me?  To show me that my fears and doubts are not alone?

How can I help them?

So ladies and gentlemen, I've given in.  I've started this blog.  (Yes, long-winded I know.  What did you expect from a novelist?)  Right now I have no idea what I'll write or if anyone will read it, but I've begun.  I'll most likely make a few recommendations.  I'll undoubtedly put up a few excerpts I'm working on.  I'll probably complain about the process of finding someone to care.  I wish I could remember who gave me this piece of advice, but unfortunately it is a vague memory.  But the words are clear: It doesn't matter what you write, just keep writing.  And that is what I intend to do.

I look forward to sharing my journey...

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