Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Having Faith

Yes - I spoke about dedication and then vanished.  Where did I go?  Nowhere in particular, but I couldn't think of anything creative to say.  I finished another manuscript, re-wrote my very first one to change the tone of the main character and worked on another dozen versions of the query letter.  I officially decided that QUERY is the worse word ever.  I never thought I'd ever finish one.  Then... light!

Let me rewind - I received a small amount of money from a relative.  Although most of it went to bills and other life needs, my husband insisted that the first thing I send money on is to advance my passion.  (Wow - Now that's support!)  As a creative person herself, my husband believed the best way to honor her memory would be to use it for something creative. 

Therefore I finally had money set aside to do something I always wanted - work with a professional editor.  After much research, I selected Malone Editorial Services, because of Susan's dedication to her writers.  She's more than just an editor.  She's been instrumental in keeping me from giving up, bouncing ideas off and taking my manuscript to the next level.  Naturally I sent her my frustration over this newest problem.  She made some great comments and asked me to send her a revised copy.

After a countless number of re-writes and sifting through article after article of reference guides, I finally "nailed it".  What a feeling!  I hadn't realized how much confidence I lost on my mission.  Despite my best intentions, I couldn't understand how I would ever make the next step.  Now I had a foothold and direction to keep going.  The path may be long and full of disappointment, but the feeling of such a little win reminds me of my goal.

My first rejection couldn't even dampen my spirits.  I knew what to expect.  I have faith that my characters will have their time in the spotlight.  They'll share their adventures with the world one day.  I don't know when.  I don't know how.  I don't know how popular they will be once there.  I don't even know what will be the catalyst to get me from here to there, but I'll keep my faith.

I'll find a way.

Besides it's almost Nanowrimo time - My newest idea... A series about a girl named Faith who sees things differently from others.  She's not crazy and neither am I...

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